All You Need To Know About Choosing The Correct Research Paper Format

Are you searching for the right format for your research paper? If your answer is yes, you should bear in mind that a research paper usually consists of an introduction paragraph as well as the paragraphs that make the paper’s body. It should also have the conclusion paragraph, the page for work cited and any other details requested by your instructor.

When creating a research paper, there are various categories that you can choose from. These include the major historical era, world history, war or even a general question. When it comes to formatting the paper, there are several points that you need to consider. There are two major formats that you should use for your research paper:


The American Psychological Association or APA format is mostly used in social as well as natural science papers. This style requires you to include in-text citations that have the name of the author, year & page number in this specific order. You should also include your sources in an alphabetical order. Ensure that the reference page has been double-spaced. APA also doesn’t need word capitalization in articles and books. There should be no abbreviation when writing the name of the author using APA style.


This stands for the Modern Language Association and is a good choice that is commonly used for humanities such as history, literature and art. This form of writing requires intext citations, authors name and page number. Paraphrases, quotes and summary should also be cited. This format requires all the normal capitalization rules to be followed. Most schools will give you instructions on the format to follow. If they don’t, you can consult your college professor.


Many reports usually consist of a single appendix section that makes it possible for you to include figures, data and calculations without breaking the flow of your main body. If the report is to be read by scientists, they will be more interested in exact details rather than the exact results. With the appendix, it is possible for someone who is interested in the result to check the research in a more thorough way.


You should ensure that all your files are backed up on a hard copy or disk. This is important as there are students who have ended up losing days of hard work as a result of their failure to bother. In case you are unsure of how, you can seek assistance from your computer department.

Drafts & checking

There are moments even after you think you have completed your report, you need to ask someone else to go through it to proofread any obvious mistakes. They can offer you important input into the format of the research paper. For more ideas on research paper writing format, you should get help online.

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